A whole lotta ’80s

This is the story of a procrastinator. With the Stephen Sprouse exhibit opening coming up on my calendar, I knew I wanted to arrive in something vibrant, edgy, even a little playful. And just like with the “Matsuri” gala in 2019, I knew my budget … Read moreA whole lotta ’80s


Anyone else start a garden during the pandemic? Granted, 2020 was my third year of growing vegetables in our suburban backyard, but like everyone else on my Instagram feed (or so it seemed), my husband and I dove into growing more. Tomatoes and a couple … Read moreHIGH-FASHION HOMESTEAD

WORD OF 2020

Next week, 2020 begins. The prelude to a modern Roaring Twenties, perhaps — hopefully without the predecessor’s reality-check chapter in economics. Indianapolis alone is host to several 1920s-themed New Year’s Eve galas and house parties this year, and as I’m searching through racks of fluttering, … Read moreWORD OF 2020


I’ve never considered myself an “influencer.” (Mostly because level of influence is something that can only be determined by those around you, not yourself. Then again, I’m a linguistics nerd who reads a lot into nuances, so that might just be me.) Fashion blogger. Writer. … Read moreTHE STORYTELLER’S LIFE


This is the second part of a 4-part series on adding Victorian flair to everyday fashion. Read the first part. And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that … Read moreAFTERNOON IN THE SUN


I’d like to call it the Downton Abbey effect: It seems like in every high-end boutique and fast-fashion mecca alike, there’s a ruffled silk blouse or flowy Gunne Sax copycat maxi dress in the window. Like when I stopped by Zimmerman’s new brick-and-mortar in Las … Read moreMODERN VICTORIAN